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Greg Kinnear
We Were Soldiers (2002)
Stuck on You (2003)
Robots (2005)
I'm hard-pressed not to recommend
as an energetic family-movie distraction...[but] plotting is...mechanical.
Bad News Bears (2005)
Profanity does not a creatively satisfying comedy make....slim characterization and an overfamiliar premise...[relegate]
to lazy, hazy, summer-daze mediocrity.
The Matador (2005)
Writer-director Richard Shepard speeds through the hairpin turns of a pure-comedy 'what if?' quirkily suspenseful as it is ticklish.
Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
Pulls off the trick of the feel-good movie in a way movies haven't managed in a long time.
Invincible (2006)
Loses possession early on and has trouble holding onto the ball.
Fast Food Nation (2006)
You know what they call a Royale with Cheese in Austin, Texas? The Big One...ambitious and a typically satisfying outing for one of America's most consistent directors.
Baby Mama (2008)
Improvisational chops and sheer force of comic will...can result in funny moments and even a funny movie, but there's something conspicuously lazy about the script...
Flash of Genius (2008)
Unfortunately, the film’s editing creates a confusing chronology and awkward pace, but it’s easy to see why producers saw a satisfying audience experience in Kearns’ moral crusade.
Ghost Town (2008)
The comic voice of Ricky Gervais comes through loud and clear, and Koepp's vision of a classical Hollywood comedy creates a confluence not only of great performers but of considerable wit and heart.
Green Zone (2010)
Serves up soldiers, spies, politicians, reporters, and Iraqi civilians who speak almost entirely in clichés.
The Last Song (2010)
How do I find thee ridiculous,
The Last Song
? Let me count the ways...
You've Got Mail (1998)
The well-honed dramedic performances by endearingly mock-cranky Hanks and quirky, cryin' Ryan add just enough weight to what might otherwise float away...
As Good As It Gets (1997)
Thin Ice (a.k.a. The Convincer) (2011)
Were it not for a horribly transparent bit of narration in those opening moments,
Thin Ice
would have a better shot at working on its audience the way the filmmakers obviously hoped it would.
Modern Family: The Complete Third Season (2009)
While fully embracing the single-camera and mockumentary trends that have all but taken over modern sitcoms, the show hearkens back to...snugly-fitted farcical plotting and traditional sitcom writing...
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