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Richard Gere
Unfaithful (2002)
Works precisely because it is so upsetting, unusually so for a studio film, and so empathetic for Connie at the hands of her attractive manipulator.
Chicago (2002)
Shall We Dance? (2004)
Bee Season (2005)
The Hoax (2007)
What should we expect...other than being taken for a ride? Just as Irving does, Hallstrom picks out a sexy convertible for the job.
I'm Not There (2007)
The Hunting Party (2007)
First Knight (1995)
Nights in Rodanthe (2008)
It’s too easy to hold the film’s at arm’s length and scoff at Sparks’ cynical repetition of psycho-romance clichés and meteorological metaphors.
Primal Fear (1996)
An unfolding mystery in which truth is elusive, and twists are the order of the Norton a career-making opportunity to strut his stuff.
Pretty Woman (1990)
Believing in love is swell and all, but maybe we're better off not buying the brand
Pretty Woman
is selling.
Brooklyn's Finest (2010)
Arbitrage (2012)
Playing a character that's almost entirely unsympathetic, Gere demonstrates the outward charm that's allowed Miller to accumulate his wealth and status, as well as the abyss-staring soul his showmanship conceals.
Time Out of Mind (2015)
Though it’s hit and miss for audiences trying to forget Gere’s screen history, Moverman ably serves a slice of homeless life, dramatizing a problem we’ve contended with further back than we can remember.
Norman (2016)
’s thoughtful dramatic construction, built around a central symbol of a pair of shoes, addresses politician’s voracious desire to 'go places,' ever outpacing forethought of where that ambition will take them...
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