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David Strathairn
Twisted (2004)
Good Night, And Good Luck. (2005)
A theatrical movie infused with the energy of live TV....
Good Night, and Good Luck.
reminds us that, when played right, journalism is a dangerous game.
The Notorious Bettie Page (2006)
More clever than insightful, [but] Harron makes the most of that humorously earnest style ripped from the pin-up pages.
We Are Marshall (2006)
I suppose there's a place for this studio picture's brand of popcorn catharsis. One just wishes the powerful story at its heart felt more genuine and less manipulative.
Fracture (2007)
Doesn't hold up to a lick of scrutiny, which is a shame, since it provides such juicy material for a pair of contrasting actors...
The Bourne Ultimatum (The Bourne Trilogy) (2007)
Predicated on finally delivering answers we basically already know...and cornered into bigger and better variations on the same basic action tropes,
The Bourne Ultimatum
turns out to be: be pretty damn exciting or get off the stage.
My Blueberry Nights (2008)
The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008)
For a movie about magical beasts,
The Spiderwick Chronicles
does an awfully good job of pegging childhood emotional realities, particularly in a context of divorce.
The Uninvited (2009)
Unlike the rest of the Class of '09 thus far,
The Uninvited
marches to an off-beat, and thank goodness for small favors.
The Whistleblower (2011)
Condurache and Weisz’s 'small corrections' make a big difference in steering the movie right, enough to make
The Whistleblower
a decent entry in the genre of political passion plays.
The Tempest (2011)
Taymor tries a little too hard, neither breaking nor broken by the play, but ultimately losing the wrestling match.
The Bourne Legacy (2012)
Just remember, kids, you’re not paranoid if they’re really out to get you…or your movie dollars.
Lincoln (2012)
Day-Lewis...wears well the weariness of the office and Lincoln's puckish yet subdued sense of humor, scaling the man closer to life-size than Mount Rushmore monumental.
The Blacklist: The Complete Second Season (2013)
A week-in, weak-out study in same-y procedural storytelling and mythology stalling that's powered by the usual salacious crime exploitation and the unusual lead performance of James Spader.
The Blacklist: The Complete Third Season (2013)
Season Three of
The Blacklist
upped the show's game with slightly more adventurous writing that made the show a more consistent bet from week to week.
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