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Joan Allen
Joan Allen—
Joan Allen on
and Career Highlights
The Notebook (2004)
The Upside of Anger (2005)
A pleasant surprise, a sprightly comedy with a dramatic aftertaste.
YES (2005)
Few filmmakers could be consciously redolent of Moliere, Dylan Thomas, and James Joyce and pull it off, but apparently writer-director Sally Potter is first in that class.
Off the Map (2005)
The Land of Enchantment lives up to its name in this unusual and surprisingly affecting comedy-drama.
The Bourne Ultimatum (The Bourne Trilogy) (2007)
Predicated on finally delivering answers we basically already know...and cornered into bigger and better variations on the same basic action tropes,
The Bourne Ultimatum
turns out to be: be pretty damn exciting or get off the stage.
Bonneville (2008)
Face/Off (1997)
This is your action movie on drugs—any questions?
Trumbo (2008)
Nixon (1995)
A convincing blend of Shakespearean tragedy and
Citizen Kane
paints the thirty-seventh President of the United States as a uniquely American tragic hero...
Pleasantville (1998)
The Bourne Legacy (2012)
Just remember, kids, you’re not paranoid if they’re really out to get you…or your movie dollars.
Room (2015)
For two hours, Larson and Tremblay make their struggles our struggles, Ma and Jack’s perceptions challenging our own...the most potent pairing on screen this year.
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