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Kevin Spacey
Swimming With Sharks (1995)
The Life of David Gale (2003)
American Beauty (1999)
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997)
Beyond the Sea (2004)
Superman Returns (2006)
Like his superhero, director Bryan Singer carries an Atlas-like burden [but]...with thorough, fan-friendly fetishism, Singer honors the Superman mythos.
21 (2008)
Take it from this loss prevention specialist: don't play
L.A. Confidential (1997)
A modern cinematic classic...the alchemical reaction of a director and a charmed collaboration of actors, writers, and design artists...
Fred Claus (2007)
Though the film teases questions that would spark a child’s imagination, they’re all dropped like hot potatoes in favor of cheap infusions of dancing, slapstick, and...cartoon sound effects.
Moon (2009)
Jones has a very interesting existential idea here, and though he frustratingly doesn’t exploit its every possibility, he does give a great actor an opportunity for a tour-de-force performance.
A Bug's Life (1998)
A Bug's Life
[is] sure to endure as a superb children's entertainment.
The Negotiator (1998)
This highly incredible story lives and dies on its leading performances, so it's a damn good thing someone hired Jackson and Spacey to go toe to toe.
Casino Jack (2010)
A mixture of light satire, light tragedy, political thriller, and domestic drama: a
Casino Jack
of all trades, master of none.
Margin Call (2011)
Chandor’s social critique may or may not stand the test of time, but as all eyes turn to the 'Occupy' movement,
Margin Call
is entirely right for this moment.
People I Know/Albino Alligator/Ordinary Decent Criminal (2002)
House of Cards: Volume Three (2013)
'Do what you have to do.'...Netflix's flagship series addresses this dictum to many characters grappling with tough choices, but the core subject of [Season Three] the marriage of Frank and Claire Underwood.
Elvis & Nixon (2016)
A story of great power and great delusion, of the absurdities of politics and the strange effects and arguably undue reach of celebrity. These potentially heady themes are really beside the point of a movie that’s a hoot and knows it.
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