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Denzel Washington
John Q (2002)
Strands good actors in mushy, movie-of-the-week material.
Antwone Fisher (2002)
Rings false, belittling instead of honoring its sensitive subject with its twinkly score, kid-glove nobility and cloying payoffs.
Out of Time (2003)
Man On Fire (2004)
The Manchurian Candidate (2004)
An "A" for effort...Still, the frayed plot strands of the 2004
Manchurian Candidate
make it a lame duck to Frankenheimer's first-term thriller.
Inside Man (2006)
Lee is a bona fide cinematic genius, and his lively and inventive take on tired material proves that thriller corn needn't be mindless in its machinations.
Déjà vu (2006)
If you can surrender to the film's crazy convictions, it's a popcorn-munching wild ride worth taking.
The Great Debaters (2007)
Were the film not so insistent on conventional payoffs,
The Great Debaters
could have been much more satisfying. As it is, it's a pleasant holiday film with a positive message.
American Gangster (2007)
Inflated talk of
American Gangster
as a modern masterpiece--or even an Oscar-worthy picture--ignores the fact that there's not a single memorable setpiece in the film.
Crimson Tide (1995)
A big, bold Hollywood movie that won't be winning any awards for subtlety but can't be denied its popcorn appeal.
The Pelican Brief (1993)
You'd think that Pakula would be just the man to tease the intellectual and emotional depth out of a Grisham potboiler, but you'd be wrong.
The Siege (1998)
Glory (1989)
In its broad strokes,
gets at the spirit of a group of previously unsung black heroes, and the filmmaking is of a high caliber.
The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (2009)
'A remake
a hostage picture! Can both the good guys and the bad guys use Sony laptops?' Yes, they can.
Unstoppable (2010)
With its one-track premise,
derails thrills.
Much Ado About Nothing (1993)
Branagh's highly entertaining and accessible take on one of the Bard's zestiest comedies.
Malcolm X (1992)
Spike Lee called 1992's
Malcolm X
'the picture I was born to make,' and star Denzel Washington referred to the titular civil-rights leader as 'the role of a lifetime.' They're both right...
The Preacher's Wife (1996)
Flight (2012)
Despite...misguided commercial instincts,
offers much that's productively unsettling, anchored by Washington's old-school movie-star performance...
Philadelphia (1993)
What remains most striking about
may be the...conspicuous emphasis on intense close-ups. They force an inescapable emotional intimacy in relation to issues the mainstream, at least at the time, would rather have looked away from.
2 Guns (2013)
While we've seen plenty of R-rated action buddy comedies before, the stream of amusing banter here comes with plotting that has a few good tricks in reserve.
The Equalizer (2014)
The star makes the film something like a guilty pleasure, but he and touches like the film-opening Mark Twain quotation form little more than a gilded cover wrapped around pure pulp.
Fences (2016)
An American classic writ large.
The Equalizer 2 (2018)
Suggests intriguing questions about the moral and ethical imperatives of justice...answers these questions with an Old Testament zeal: evil must be smitten by self-appointed good men.
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