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2021 Top 10
The Deep End (2001)
Adaptation (2002)
The Statement (2003)
Young Adam (2004)
Constantine (2005)
Reasonably satisfying cinematic junk food...enough crackerjack sequences and admirably trippy rhythms for a recommendation.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
Though Adamson lacks Lewis' storytelling confidence...
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
still comes across as a quirkily diverting children's entertainment.
Thumbsucker (2005)
Kirn's sharp-tongued novel would suggest an Alexander Payne film rife with arch satire, but Mills ultimately goes for a more deeply affecting emotional study.
Stephanie Daley (2007)
Michael Clayton (2007)
A straight-ahead suspense melodrama, complete with villain and a climax with satisfyingly clean lines. But Gilroy constantly elevates the material with surprise gifts.
Burn After Reading (2008)
Sour candy...redeemed by its humor and its clever construction, harkening back to the relatively optimistic crime comedy
We Need to Talk About Kevin (2012)
An annoying provocation with too little to say, a serious credibility deficit, a whiff of misandry, and a miscalculated, unseemly gusto for abusing its hero. Instead of having catharsis, the audience just gets had.
Snowpiercer (2014)
A movie-movie, with edgy cred and a vivid dystopian vision that, while ostensibly futuristic, speaks harshly to the class divide already defining us.
Hail, Caesar! (2016)
In a way, the amusing, preposterous
Hail, Caesar!
, for all its arch postmodernism, becomes what it pastiches, resembling the kind of '50s film we can now watch and admire for a kind of cultural reflection without exactly considering it a success.
A Bigger Splash (2015)
The significant visual appeal and magnetic turns by the leading players make this four-hander a diverting dip into human nature: specifically, jealousy and the folly of opting for interiority over communication.
Doctor Strange (2016)
Doctor Strange
looks at urban architecture through a twisting digital kaleidoscope, next-stepping from
to an M.C. Escher-esque action aesthetic that amounts to three-dimensional chess.
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