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Brendan Gleeson
28 Days Later (2003)
In My Country (a.k.a. Country of My Skull) (2005)
A wasted opportunity to tell in filmic terms two important histories: the crimes of apartheid and the love with which they were answered.
Kingdom of Heaven (2005)
A confused and confusing compromise at best and a dull obfuscation of history at worst.
Breakfast on Pluto (2005)
The Kingdom (2007)
In Bruges (2008)
Beowulf (2007)
A worthy cinematic adaptation, with interesting and provocative mythic ideas of its own, and suprisingly lyrical images to match.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part I (2010)
The Guard (2011)
The film's self-conscious gestures in the direction of fish-out-of-water comedies, buddy-cop movies and Westerns don't amount to much in and of themselves, but they tie together as a functional clothesline for character comedy and left-field drama.
The Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012)
Eighty-eight minutes of sublime silliness...should appeal in equal measure to adults as to children.
Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
A fairly eye-popping futuristic war story with a clever (to a point) structure.
Calvary (2014)
The resulting mystery-play-goes-mystery-movie allegory may have a heavy hand, but it also has its finger on the pulse of the struggles facing the [Catholic] Church and the emotional needs of its drifting parishioners.
Suffragette (2015)
Revives history we could all stand to know better, and proves most useful in clarifying both what was at stake and the rules of the game...
In the Heart of the Sea (2015)
Depict[s] a writer’s process of scavenging and soul-stealing...[as well as] being “in the oil business” to the exclusion of morality and ethics, and with implications for the ecosystem.
Logan Lucky (2017)
Soderbergh’s here to have fun, and his mood is contagious.
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