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John Cusack
Runaway Jury (2003)
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (1997)
Must Love Dogs (2005)
Cutesy stuff, breezily amusing but...a basically weightless and disposable date movie.
The Ice Harvest (2005)
Zesty enough to make the ol' noir two-step seem worthwhile.
1408 (2007)
Grace is Gone (2007)
Martian Child (2007)
Though it panders shamelessly, it's not entirely unwelcome in a time when the PG movie is an endangered species.
1408 (2007)
Say Anything... (1989)
Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)
The invitation to introspection about empty American lives is a good idea, but who are we kidding?
Hot Tub Time Machine
is built for gross gags...and wan '80s nostalgia...
Better Off Dead... (1985)
Full of...goofy ironies, and while it ain't Molière, it is a pretty great entry in the teen-comedy genre.
The Paperboy (2012)
Anatomy of a Murder
The Graduate
, and Daniels' own
rolled into one wacked-out bloody Southern Gothic that's considerably less than the sum of those parts...
Lee Daniels' The Butler (2013)
Despite admirable work from Whitaker and Winfrey,
Lee Daniels' The Butler
is nearly crushed by its own symbolic weight and its contrivance of a central character arc from keeping one's head down to learning to stand up.
Love & Mercy (2015)
Honorable...deeply moving...takes a considered approach to Wilson, sound in dramatic and editorial construction and insightful in its psychological subtexts.
Chi-Raq (2015)
When Lee cooks up a stew this heady, one best recognize...the right film at the right time, Lee’s most creatively fertile and socially immediate narrative feature in years.
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