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Joan Cusack
School of Rock (2003)
Ice Princess (2005)
Personally, I hope the press notes for
Ice Princess
will be the only ones this year to include the phrase "hunky zamboni driver," but you just never know.
Friends with Money (2006)
Gives the characters relatable failings and the story some ironic bite...[but] lacks the depth of empathy Holofcener showed in
Lovely and Amazing
Martian Child (2007)
Though it panders shamelessly, it's not entirely unwelcome in a time when the PG movie is an endangered species.
Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009)
Hollywood likes nothing more than having its cake and eating it too, which explains the confusions of P.J. Hogan’s
Confessions of a Shopaholic
My Sister's Keeper (2009)
Undeniably manipulative, not only in its plot, but in its dramatization of it.
Toy Story 2 (1999)
'You can't rush art.' Pixar's bliss in art and play is part and parcel of both the creation and the meaning of
Toy Story 2
, a celebration of the pure joy of doing.
Toy Story 3 (2010)
A story with timeless, universal themes: family, coming of age (and leaving behind childish things), and the inevitable time when, past our prime, we will all face potential social obsolence.
Mars Needs Moms (3D) (2011)
The whole fiasco turns out to be an excuse to let Seth Green play a (redubbed) little boy. Next time, maybe just cast a real boy, build some sets in an old barn, and have Mom make the costumes.
Welcome to Me (2015)
Wiig plays her role with total commitment, fearlessness, and lack of vanity...the movie we deserve in the age of social media and cable television, a satiric child of Paddy Chayevsky's
in its autopsy of "vox populi" viral video...
The End of the Tour (2015)
Its prismatic philosophical and cultural observation...offers plenty of angles on the true value of the subjective fictions and supposedly objective non-fictions some create and others consume.
Toy Story 4 (2019)
At a moment when studios and pundits have begun again to question the efficacy of sequels, Pixar’s graceful follow-up justifies the practice, when executed with smarts and heart.
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