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Tommy Lee Jones
Men in Black II (2002)
Men In Black (1997)
Among the best of the summer movie blockbusters,
Men in Black
comes on like gangbusters and never lets up.
The Missing (2003)
Batman Forever (1995)
The fatuousness of that title sums up Schumacher's approach. The director allows his few scrupulous choices to be overwhelmed by garish vaudeville.
The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada (2005)
The essentially sanctified the least developed character...Jones and Arriaga instead focus on the redemption of Estrada's white neighbors.
In the Valley of Elah (2007)
In and of itself, the story offers rich dramatic material that Haggis exploits well, but the writer-director's unsubtle condescension to his audience represents small thinking.
No Country for Old Men (2007)
The most fascinating element of the film is its formal linking of its multiple, no-nonsense protagonists.
Natural Born Killers (1994)
Profane, hallucinogenic, and wickedly satirical, Oliver Stone's
Natural Born Killers
mainlined a message from hell (a.k.a. modern America, as seen by Stone) into mall theatres and multiplexes.
JFK (1991)
Lonesome Dove (TV) (1989)
Remains the gold standard for the TV miniseries format...stands among the best Western films ever made.
Harvard Beats Yale 29-29 (2009)
If the film meanders at times, reaching for significance in the wrong places, football fans will nevertheless find it charming.
The Company Men (2010)
The TV-bred Wells...has written and directed
The Company Men
without ever coloring outside the lines: it’s all a bit too neat and obvious and predictable.
Captain America (2011)
The most noticeable motif Johnston plays with is the use of a garbage-can lid as a shield: more important than $140 million dollars worth of toys is Johnston’s childlike sense of play.
Men in Black 3 (2012)
Has no MSG. I mention this because many will probably want to make a meal of it and, it should be said, it's both pretty tasty and will leave you feeling hungry an hour later...
U.S. Marshals (1998)
If you can get past the naked exploitation of this mercenary sequel,
U.S. Marshals
is a sort of brain-rotting kind of fun (how's that for an endorsement?).
Hope Springs (2012)
There’s a weirdly riveting intensity—and a palpable sense of privilege—to the way the movie takes us into squirmy private moments...
Lincoln (2012)
Day-Lewis...wears well the weariness of the office and Lincoln's puckish yet subdued sense of humor, scaling the man closer to life-size than Mount Rushmore monumental.
Emperor (2013)
The mealy half-truth director Peter Webber...and screenwriters Vera Blasi and David Klass settle for just winds up a waste of everyone's time.
Jason Bourne (2016)
Terrified to do anything different (which, believe it or not, would be entirely possible) only takes a moment of awareness to step outside the movie and see how poorly written, insultingly recycled, and anti-creative
Jason Bourne
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