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Paul Greengrass
The Bourne Supremacy (The Bourne Trilogy) (2004)
If one were to rewind a James Bond movie, one might get
The Bourne Supremacy
, a steadfastly unglamorous spy thriller with a few adrenaline jolts for good measure.
United 93 (2006)
A unique film about a unique event...but what will we think of
United 93
in five years or, for that matter, fifty?
The Bourne Ultimatum (The Bourne Trilogy) (2007)
Predicated on finally delivering answers we basically already know...and cornered into bigger and better variations on the same basic action tropes,
The Bourne Ultimatum
turns out to be: be pretty damn exciting or get off the stage.
Green Zone (2010)
Serves up soldiers, spies, politicians, reporters, and Iraqi civilians who speak almost entirely in clichés.
Captain Phillips (2013)
May be obvious and it may be clumsy, but it's also at least a little bit thoughtful, and there's never a dull moment.
Jason Bourne (2016)
Terrified to do anything different (which, believe it or not, would be entirely possible) only takes a moment of awareness to step outside the movie and see how poorly written, insultingly recycled, and anti-creative
Jason Bourne
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