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Stellan Skarsgard
Dogville (2004)
Exorcist: The Beginning (2004)
Goya's Ghosts (2007)
Mamma Mia! (2008)
Complete fluff, and proud of it...Once you adjust your senses, however, you're bound to submit to this vacation of a movie.
Ronin (1998)
Angels & Demons (2009)
Try not to giggle when...Langdon is being called in for '[his] expertise, [his] erudition.' The guy from
Bachelor Party
? Just kidding, Tom, we love you—just not in this kind of pricy but conspicuously soulless crap.
Thor (2011)
Clobberin’ action, a touch of ’50s sci-fi, and a heaping portion of titan-clashing theatrics spell something a little different for the comic-book movie.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
Fincher is perfectly suited to the material, with its voluminous clues to be organized and parsed, its emotional austerity, and its serial murder, rape, and sundry sick plot twists.
The Avengers (2012)
It's quite possible that
The Avengers
has more action than any movie ever made...[but] for all its thrill-ride clutter,
The Avengers
is just about as simplistic as them fightin'-robot pictures...
Romeo and Juliet (2013)
Please steer away your loved ones from this tone-deaf travesty, this misbegotten farrago, this offensive, rank, charmless, near-lifeless, anti-romantic twaddle, a classic tale 'told by an idiot.' Want to know what I really think?
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