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Peter Sarsgaard
Shattered Glass (2003)
Boys Don't Cry (1999)
Garden State (2004)
This may make me some sort of traitor to my generation, but I found
Garden State
—the auteur debut of TV star Zach Braff...—to be a derivative vanity project.
Kinsey (2004)
Kinsey's many contradictions and awkward personality get full attention from Condon's clever treatment and Liam Neeson's best screen performance in years.
The Skeleton Key (2005)
Ghosts threaten to make matters miserable for the living, sort of like
The Skeleton Key
. As Peter Sarsgaard says...too convincingly, 'All I know is the checks clear.'
Jarhead (2005)
Flightplan (2005)
The Dying Gaul (2005)
Year of the Dog (2007)
Thrives on bone-dry humor.
Orphan (2009)
Comes close to the pantheon of so-bad-they're-good horror movies, but as they say, no cigar.
An Education (2009)
The film’s greatest strength may well be how Sarsgaard's David, in concert with Hornby and Scherfig, seduces the audience along with Jenny, promising the world and leaving temptingly unlocked a Pandora’s Box of social ambiguity.
Knight and Day (2010)
As a pure popcorn, dreams-writ-large, kiss-kiss-bang-bang, globetrotting romp,
Knight and Day
Dead Man Walking (1995)
Has the distinction of including not one, but two of the greatest screen performances of all time...undeniably one of the most gut-churning emotional experiences of 1990s cinema...
Green Lantern (2011)
On brightest screen, in threest-D,
It's the latest franchisee.
This superhero's super-slight;
Beware two hours...
Green Lantern
Robot & Frank (2012)
Cold-staring with a black, reflective visor, a robot helps a fading old man to see life, and himself, more clearly.
Pawn Sacrifice (2015)
Maguire isn’t obvious casting, but he convincingly owns the role...The actor pairs an oft-fevered, disheveled aspect with the fierce impatience and unwillingness to suffer fools that attend genius.
Black Mass (2015)
Stars Depp in a performance generating awards talk, makes a complicated story coherent without dumbing it down (much), lets a bunch of strong actors do their things, and yet inspires little more than adjectives like 'efficient' and 'workmanlike.'
Jackie (2016)
The serviceable movie you make about this subject. But it does offer a little bit more, peeking through with an interesting insight every quarter-hour or so.
The Batman (2022)
While retaining requisite elements of blockbuster action cinema...decidedly shifts the focus to pulp fiction...
The Batman
feels more like a Batman
than a Batman
, and that's an achievement in itself.
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