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Quentin Tarantino
Kill Bill, Volume 1 (2003)
Something borrowed, something bloody.
Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004)
The Muppets' Wizard of Oz (TV) (2005)
We're a long way from the creative energy, heart, and charm of Henson's Muppet movies, even though I'm not ready for the Henson Company to stop trying.
Grindhouse (Planet Terror & Death Proof) (2007)
isn't great cinema, but it is a genuine event picture, a rare good reason to venture out on a Friday night with a big crowd and the necessary wad of cash.
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
A whole lot of movie, but it’s also technically mature filmmaking to a thematically juvenile end.
POM Wonderful Presents The Greatest Movie Ever Sold (2011)
As a fast-food pitchwoman once asked, 'Where’s the beef?'
Pulp Fiction (1994)
A balls-out postmodern comedy
par excellence
. It's a Royale with Cheese.
Jackie Brown (1997)
Succeeds as a witty Elmore Leonard crime story...but also as a surprisingly affecting mid-life romance.
Django Unchained (2012)
There's a case to be made that blood-spattering revenge pictures, no matter how evil the villain, are cultural poison, but if this is what it takes to [get] Don Johnson as a dyed-in-the-wool racist done up as Colonel Sanders, well, so be it.
The Hateful Eight (2015)
[A] general absence of something to say...Recycles the filmmaker’s own work: the leaner if no meaner dog-eat-dog plotting of
Reservoir Dogs
...and a roster of no-longer-shocking offenses...
Once Upon a Hollywood (2019)
Content finally joined by the movie gods to form—for at last, the moving-picture magpie has lighted on Hollywood as his setting and, in no small part, his subject.
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