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William H. Macy
William H. Macy and Stuart Gordon—
William H. Macy and Stuart Gordon: '[Macy:] I don't know if I find him a repulsive character. As a matter of fact, I don't....all the little pieces I find to be logical and true, true to the human experience.'
The Cooler (2003)
Spartan (2004)
Cellular (2004)
We here at New Line Cellular...have the plan for you!...92 inflexible real-time minutes that are sure to pump up your fast-paced, action-packed lifestyle.
The Deal (2005)
Edmond (2006)
By design, nasty, brutish, and short...functions as drama because shock crosses through sensationalism to a kind of purity in the character study of a man in desperate need of repair.
Everyone's Hero (2006)
Never explains its stupid idea of a talking baseball and a talking bat...The filmmakers presume too much in assuming we'll accept the "magic" "realism"...
Wild Hogs (2007)
If you listen closely, you can hear your brain cells fizzling.
Fargo (1996)
The Coen Brothers have always loved to go far, a tactic they don't forgo in
Pleasantville (1998)
The Sessions (2012)
Gets it right, in the essence of its true story as well as the social discomforts surrounding disability and sane discussion of sexuality.
Room (2015)
For two hours, Larson and Tremblay make their struggles our struggles, Ma and Jack’s perceptions challenging our own...the most potent pairing on screen this year.
The Dropout (TV) (2022)
Addictive...traces that fine line between having hustle and being a hustler, a line we watch Holmes cross after being fed the exceptional stories of Silicon Valley disruptor culture.
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