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Jake Gyllenhaal
The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
Could global warming lead, in our lifetimes, to a superstorm and the New Ice Age? Roland Emmerich's
The Day After Tomorrow
says: sure, why not?
Proof (2005)
plays cleverly with the arcane mysteries of game theory, and if it's only a game, happily, it's one worthy of exhibition.
Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Brokeback Mountain
, Ang Lee paints...symbolist drama (is it coincidental that the film begins in Signal, Wyoming?).
Jarhead (2005)
Zodiac (2007)
Reverent those completely unfamiliar with the case,
should be every bit as satisfying as a true-crime paperback.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
All about the empty spectacle, sound and fury building to multiple climaxes (without the pleasure).
Source Code (2011)
Source Code
is philosophical science fiction and not just 'sci fi,' there's something to chew on here about consciousness: when it begins and ends, and that old chestnut of what constitutes reality.
End of Watch (2012)
The milieu
End of Watch
introduces as 'Once upon a time in South Central' may feel a bit old hat...
Demolition (2015)
The hero of the new dramedy
at one point muses, 'For some reason, everything’s becoming a metaphor.' Boy, you can say that again.
Nocturnal Animals (2016)
A moody and deeply unsettling look at a pair of failed relationships, regrets and recriminations, and measures of emotional violence—oh, shall we call it 'lashing out'?—symbolized in physical violence.
Stronger (2017)
Catches one off guard with the characters’ open-hearted gestures under duress...feels as if it single-handedly restores humanity to the movies.
Wildlife (2018)
First-time director Dano, who co-scripted with partner Zoe Kazan, has a knack for capturing quotidian daily struggles as well as moments of discovery that hearten or, more often, horrify.
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Marvel deserves credit for the ways it has so far managed to freshen up formula, harness genres to its purposes, and hold a mirror up to contemporary society.
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