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Virginia Madsen
Virginia Madsen—
Wonder Woman
Do you realize, the lesson at the end of this movie is just 'Call your mother!'? I understand that!
Sideways (2004)
In vino veritas...Payne has supplanted the Coen Brothers as a reliable purveyor of smart comedy
Firewall (2006)
Play[s] it sit through this home-invasion scenario yet again, I think we're owed a dead kid. Or at least a contusion. Maybe lightly stun the dog? Toss us a bone here!
The Number 23 (2007)
Though the holes were rather small, I had to count them all. Now we know how many holes it takes to fill
The Number 23
The Astronaut Farmer (2007)
The perfect film for all those delusional, self-entitled
American Idol
rejects...darn it, this is America, where any man can lead a horse around his ranch in a spacesuit...
Wonder Woman (DTV) (2009)
A fast-paced feature sure to satisfy fans and win a generation of new ones.
Joy (2015)
Though everything around this resilient central figure is wan sitcom, 'Joy the Doer' provides a rooting interest potent enough to justify the film.
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