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Michael Gambon
Charlotte Gray (2001)
Open Range (2003)
Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Layer Cake (2005)
Layer Cake
always pulls itself up by its bootsraps whenever its energy threatens to flag.
Ladies in Lavender (2005)
Dance allows Dench to overact her lovestruck nervousness...By the time he stages a hay-baling montage, you'll have had enough of this close-but-no-cigar misfire.
Amazing Grace (2007)
A creditable historical drama about those who choose to be in the world, not merely of it.
Brideshead Revisited (2008)
No classic, but it does hold interest, in part by dealing honestly with the intriguing religious themes and in part for its fine cast.
Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol (2010)
Doctor Who
specials and finales are obliged to pull out the stops, and 'A Christmas Carol' doesn't disappoint in this regard.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part I (2010)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 (2011)
Thematically, like any good myth, the Harry Potter story comes full circle, with a heroic homecoming and the promise of more adventures, if only in our imaginations.
Doctor Who: The Complete Sixth Series (2011)
The Doctor dead? Not on your life.
Quartet (2012)
Doesn't avoid all of the traps of the genre, but Hoffman does show good taste, particularly in casting.
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