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Jack Nicholson
Something's Gotta Give (2003)
The Pledge (2001)
Anger Management (2003)
Full-blown 'Jack'—his face a spectacular special effect of full-blown energy—remains an irresistible act.
Batman (1989)
Despite its failings...a hugely influential movie with literally towering design, mordant wit, and a hall-of-fame performance by Jack Nicholson.
The Departed (2006)
Kept in balance,
The Departed
's verbal and visual gifts, gun-toting menace, down-and-dirty existentialism, and bristling suspense should please both sides of the movie aisle.
Wolf (1994)
Mike Nichols' underrated 1994 hybrid not only of wolf and man, but also of satire and eccentric film that may well be regarded, decades hence, as a movie classic.
Mars Attacks! (1996)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
Nicholson gets to use all the colors on his palette, from quiet, troubled contemplation to the disturbingly truthful, live-wire jesting with which he has become best associated.
America Lost and Found: The BBS Story (2010)
Seven important American films from the fabled period when unconventional, independent-minded filmmaking was regarded not only as art but as a marketable asset.
As Good As It Gets (1997)
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