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Will Smith
Men in Black II (2002)
Men In Black (1997)
Among the best of the summer movie blockbusters,
Men in Black
comes on like gangbusters and never lets up.
Bad Boys (1995)
Bad Boys II (2003)
I, Robot (2004)
Shark Tale (2004)
Is the fish fresh?...
Shark Tale
believes it can foist off high-speed energy in the place of wit.
Hitch (2005)
Hancock (2008)
The second half gets so worked up over itself that
becomes nearly unrecognizable as the movie we were all enjoying twenty minutes earlier.
Men in Black 3 (2012)
Has no MSG. I mention this because many will probably want to make a meal of it and, it should be said, it's both pretty tasty and will leave you feeling hungry an hour later...
Suicide Squad (2016)
A novel but muddled supervillain action movie...Some comic-book fans will lap it up, but
Suicide Squad
is all sauce and no meat.
Collateral Beauty (2016)
Chicken Poop for the Soul...
Aladdin (2019)
The results aren’t exactly magical...Heck, I’d even take a low-rent theme-park version if it spared me this film’s descent into the uncanny valley.
Bad Boys for Life (2020)
Contemplating any of this action-comedy camp in real-world terms...would be a maddening mistake. Accept Lowrey’s assessment that 'Violence is what we do,' or pick another movie.
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