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Ned Beatty
Superman (1978)
Donner keeps his film briskly funny and exciting, with smart and spectacular action....The greatest effect of all, however, is Reeve's miraculous performance.
Superman II (1980)
By its very nature, the resulting film is severely compromised, but still rip-roaring, unpretentious entertainment.
Rudy (1993)
With its faithful rendering of a true inspirational story,
earns its irresistable inspirational movie for all ages.
Toy Story 3 (2010)
A story with timeless, universal themes: family, coming of age (and leaving behind childish things), and the inevitable time when, past our prime, we will all face potential social obsolence.
Rango (2011)
I suspect the young'uns will...take a shine to the hero of
: a chameleon that's part Kermit the Frog, part street-corner kook (and all Johnny Depp, who supplies the often hilarious voice).
¡Alambrista! (1977)
Now the film can be more fully appreciated for what it is: an influential inspiration to Latino filmmakers and a powerful, non-politicized depiction of the wages of American immigration policy.
Deliverance (1972)
Boorman's interpretation of the material resulted in an American cinematic classic built not only on shock and awe, but emotional subtlety.
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