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Kurt Russell
Miracle (2004)
capitalizes on its understanding of team dynamics: the bonding of pain and gain alike, the ownership of integrity over ego, the satisfaction of communal accomplishment.
Sky High (2005)
Dissatisfying to an adult audience accustomed to more sophisticated parody....will resonate with young viewers on their way to high school.
Dreamer: Inspired by a True Story (2005)
Triumphant coming-of-age drama (complete with horses!) [aimed] at little girls and their captive-audience fathers.
Poseidon (2006)
There's camp, and there's just plain lousy writing.
Tango & Cash (1989)
A bizarrely appealing movie,
Tango & Cash
is the essence of camp: it's bad and knows it's bad, so therefore, it's...good?
Big Trouble in Little China (1986)
A "B"-movie-style Western meets Eastern, a supernatural "chopsocky" fantasy with leading man Kurt Russell doing a feature-length impression of a dead movie star. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Tombstone (1993)
Sports pretty much everything one would want in a Western, and though it's not always eminently artful, it is rarely anything less than entertaining.
Escape From New York (1981)
New York is the ghost town and Van Cleef the corrupt sheriff in
Escape from New York
's thinly disguised postmodern Western, with ex-soldier Russell as the anti-establishment hero who won't cotton to anyone's code but his own.
Overboard (1987)
Marshall's sunny, sitcomedic comedies tend to be kinda bad but also compulsively watchable, and this one's no exception...
The Fox and the Hound/The Fox and the Hound II (1981)
Sweet but a bit dull...Overall, the picture is good-hearted and colorful, with an ending that carries a nice touch of ambiguity about the tussle of nature and nurture.
The Hateful Eight (2015)
[A] general absence of something to say...Recycles the filmmaker’s own work: the leaner if no meaner dog-eat-dog plotting of
Reservoir Dogs
...and a roster of no-longer-shocking offenses...
Deepwater Horizon (2016)
Hammer[s] home what the news media didn’t much convey in 2010: the human-level horror of being on the rig and the sheer scope of the unnaturalness of the enterprise.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
The pivotal realization--that, in the end, using your heart beats using your head--works as a pithy instruction manual for this diverting but disposable adventure.
Once Upon a Hollywood (2019)
Content finally joined by the movie gods to form—for at last, the moving-picture magpie has lighted on Hollywood as his setting and, in no small part, his subject.
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