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Hugo Weaving
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
The encoded bloom is off the digital rose in
The Matrix Reloaded
The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
V for Vendetta (2006)
A divided domestic electorate will take [it] either as a kick-***, future-punk primal scream of political frustration or as an irresponsible, literally and figuratively incendiary attack on our...approval-deficient leaders.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
Never in the field of blockbuster movies has so much been spent on so little.
Captain America (2011)
The most noticeable motif Johnston plays with is the use of a garbage-can lid as a shield: more important than $140 million dollars worth of toys is Johnston’s childlike sense of play.
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (2011)
Happy Feet Two (2011)
'It brings out my happy.' For kids facing a potentially rough adulthood, it's probably a message worth hearing, maybe more than once.
Cloud Atlas (2012)
The Wachowskis and Tykwer are determined to make you understand eternity, and in that and only that, they succeed: by the time you get to the film’s endless series of endings, you’ll feel as if you’ve lived lifetimes.
The Dressmaker (2015)
Part slow-burn mother-daughter drama, part slow-burn suspense thriller, and part slow-burn romance, with a few twists for good measure as the town begins to come apart at the seams.
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