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Bradley Cooper
Failure to Launch (2006)
Paula's practiced fraud sounds criminal at worst and grounds for civil suits at best, but to Hollywood, it's a romantic comedy....downright repellent.
He's Just Not That Into You (2009)
Couples who want to stay happy might want to think twice before seeking out a movie about how the majority of relationships end up making people paranoid and miserable.
Yes Man (2008)
[The] lip service to the dark side of 'yes,' but don’t do enough to explore what could have made the film more than a bouncy entertainment
Changing Lanes (2002)
A war between the states...
The Hangover (2009)
The stupid fun of
The Hangover
is worth experiencing at least once.
All About Steve (2009)
Valentine's Day (2010)
Now, don't get me wrong.
Valentine's Day
is bad. But it's difficult to
a Garry Marshall movie.
New York, I Love You (2009)
Some of the twelve short films are nice enough, some are shaky and a few are outright awful...
The A-Team (2010)
Frantic without bringing the fun.
Limitless (2011)
Burger plunges into the material at such a headlong pace and with sufficient adrenalized style as to propel this essentially trashy thriller and distract from the abundant loose ends.
Hit and Run (2012)
Yee-haw, and so forth.
The Words (2012)
A fairly straightforward yarn with bluntly articulated themes of Regret, Guilt, Misplaced Trust, and the Vagaries of Fate.
The Place Beyond the Pines (2013)
The most satisfying cinematic experience we've had at the multiplex thus far this year, and largely through its disinterest in playing along with movie trends.
The Hangover Part III (2013)
Less like a movie and more like a contractual obligation.
American Hustle (2013)
There's a self-aware feel to the period pageantry, the alternatingly seductive and kinetic cinematography, and the actor's showcase this ramshackle contraption has been held together with spit and bailing wire to be.
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Lurches along a bit awkwardly, but always with utterly dazzling visuals and a goofy gag at the ready.
Serena (2015)
Winds up sawing logs...instead of locating hard truths of the human condition,
lumbers through the motions.
American Sniper (2015)
Iraq warrior biopic
American Sniper
, about the late Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, affords Eastwood another opportunity to wrestle with the way of the gun, but one that gets mired in military hero worship.
Joy (2015)
Though everything around this resilient central figure is wan sitcom, 'Joy the Doer' provides a rooting interest potent enough to justify the film.
War Dogs (2016)
Captures something of runaway modern greed, played out as a bro movie from bro stars and a bro filmmaker...[but] might have been a fresh classic of political satire instead of a crime comedy that plays as sub-Scorsesean riff.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
The pivotal realization--that, in the end, using your heart beats using your head--works as a pithy instruction manual for this diverting but disposable adventure.
A Star is Born (2018)
Unabashed melodrama...the film’s strongest moments are acoustic, not plugged-in...intimate, truth-telling exchanges between lovers who want the best for each other.
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