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Kevin Kline
The Emperor's Club (2002)
De-Lovely (2004)
Unfortunately, the film's postmodern staginess assists in keeping Porter endlessly at arm's length.
Birth (2004)
No one in the film comes across as a flesh-and-blood character...
is overdressed with nowhere to go.
The Pink Panther (2006)
Martin's innate verbal panache is the only asset that shows any reliability here.
Darling Companion (2012)
Currish...the film's niche audience is indiscriminate aging dog lovers; people lovers should look elsewhere.
My Old Lady (2014)
How relevant or relatable viewers will find all this is questionable, but fans of the actors will take true pleasure in their tart verbal sparring...
The Last of Robin Hood (2014)
Technically qualifies as a true-crime tale, and seems to exist mostly out of a sense of marketable prurience: hallmarks of Lifetime’s infamous cable movies.
Ricki and the Flash (2015)
That special brand of La Streep mugging—here applied to the character of a hot-mess bar-band deadbeat mom—will wear you into submission until nothing else seems to matter. Except that it should.
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Pound for pound, scene for scene, there’s not a sequence here that the original film doesn’t execute better in the clean lines of hand-drawn animation and the crisp vocals of the original cast.
Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My Voice (2019)
A deeply moving story of a remarkable woman, its only real fault an arguable virtue: adhering to the old showbiz adage of leaving the audience wanting more.
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