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Jack Lemmon
Out To Sea (1997)
The Great Race (1965)
Save the Tiger (1973)
Lemmon turns in showy, theatrical work that's appropriate to the not-terribly subtle film around him, but the whole enterprise is one that's best avoided...
Grumpy Old Men (1993)
Irresistible...the prime hams and real-life friends share comic timing that can only come from years of experience.
Hamlet (1996)
The play widely regarded as the best piece of dramatic literature ever written...[in] the only unexpurgated big-screen version.
Some Like It Hot (1959)
The preeminent comedy of anima...effervescent and breezily paced, from the car-chase opening to the big finish capped with one of the all-time-great punchlines.
Bell, Book and Candle (1958)
The airy Novak makes a strong impression, Stewart's comic chops remain in fine fettle, and the distinctive supporting cast can't be beat...
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