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Robert Redford
The Clearing (2004)
An Unfinished Life (2005)
Provides a useful contrast to good dramas....Redford and Freeman should have invested their chops elsewhere.
A Bridge Too Far (1977)
Attenborough consistently reinforces the horrors of war by depicting not only the disasterous military engagements and their toll on heroes, but also the witless political decisions that led to needless, excessive loss of life.
Spy Game (2001)
Two generations of Hollywood 'golden boys' team up in Tony Scott's
Spy Game
, a neatly plotted espionage thriller.
Indecent Proposal (1993)
Would you sell your body for a night, to the tune of a million dollars? What makes for five minutes of interesting conversation, alas, does not make for an interesting two-hour movie.
Three Days of the Condor (1975)
Pollack excels by establishing an interesting situation, sustaining it, and—in keeping with the paranoid-thriller genre—resolving it on a pleasingly ambiguous note.
All the President's Men (1976)
Buck (2011)
Both Buck and
endorse sensitive care for the voiceless, whether they be horses or cowed children.
All is Lost (2013)
As a 'man vs. wild' adventure in the Jack London mode,
All is Lost
has plenty of fearsome moments, but the deeper fears are existential: man in mortal contention with an indifferent universe.
A Walk in the Woods (2015)
A broad comic tone...The few funny bits and sharp lines amount to fool’s gold scattered around a claim that never satisfactorily pays off.
Truth (2015)
Though the [film]...cannot pretend to be free of its own leanings, Vanderbilt allows a reading of Mapes’ tragic errors amidst its melancholy diagnosing of TV-news’ slow, painful death march from the public trust into modern corporate product.
Pete's Dragon (2016)
There's room enough for both
Pete's Dragon
s in this big old world.
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