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Matthew Modine
Transporter 2 (2005)
Transporter 2
has the narrative skills and libido of a newly pubescent boy.
Cutthroat Island (1995)
Hey, are you looking for an exciting movie about pirates of the, well, um, Caribbean?
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
The Nolans consider the issues of the day...explore the role of legendary heroes (from Robin Hood to Batman and Robin) in galvanizing the public, and labor mightily to ensure that how their Batman ends dovetails with 2005’s
Batman Begins
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Kubrick again turns his unsparing eye to the dread of existence...of a godless universe...of moral frailty and civilization gone wrong...
Jobs (2013)
Faced with almost three decades of complicated history,
does a fair job of telling the story of Apple and conveying something of what made its co-founder unique.
Operation Varsity Blues: The College Admissions Scandal (2021)
What sets
Operation Varsity Blues
apart are its reenactments of wiretapped conversations. Using the wiretaps as scripts, actors like out scenes that feel lifted, in their content and their staccato rhythms, right out of David Mamet.
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