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Kathryn Hahn
Kathryn Hahn & Tamara Jenkins—
Private Life
[Hahn:] Like childbirth, a movie is like: you kind of forget the pain and would do it again in a second.
A Lot Like Love (2005)
Earns points for resisting the usual corny romantic comedy gimmicks (I'm looking at you,
The Wedding Date
!) for most of its running time.
Step Brothers (2008)
The film's funniest moments come early...But the more outlandish the joke (a.k.a. little kids pick fights with the men), the less purchase McKay finds, as our investment in the film's reality checks out.
The Newsroom: The Complete First Season (2012)
By setting the show in the recent past, Sorkin can productively remind or inform a broad audience of the pith of important news we've lived through...a subplot about [NSA] wiretapping...[even] gets ahead of the curve...
Afternoon Delight (2013)
Feels rather 'been there, done that' for a movie that keeps (idly, as it turns out) threatening to turn transgressive. Still, by putting utility player Hahn front and center, Soloway earns instant good will.
Bad Words (2014)
Doesn't seem to know what to do with itself once it gets where it's going...And yet, it's hard to throw on the trash heap, because Jason Bateman.
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (2018)
This is the kind of lackluster animated movie at which you’ll lose count of how many times the characters randomly break into dance--and that’s in addition to the...not one but two dance parties incorporated into the plot.
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