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Stephen Root
Jersey Girl (2004)
Cedar Rapids (2011)
Detailed and consistently funny observation of small-town sincerity muddling through a dog-eat-dog world.
Justified: The Complete First Season (2010)
shares Leonard's love of character, dialogue, and situation drama, and nicely evokes its master's voice.
Louie: The Complete First Season (2011)
Seemingly conceived on the fly as much as it's shot on the fly,
cultivates the unexpected.
The Fox and the Hound/The Fox and the Hound II (1981)
Sweet but a bit dull...Overall, the picture is good-hearted and colorful, with an ending that carries a nice touch of ambiguity about the tussle of nature and nurture.
Justified: The Complete Second Season (2011)
remains one of the most satisfying hours on television, creating a illusion of the social margins of Southern life that's convincing enough that we want to believe in it.
J. Edgar (2012)
Despite the odd sharp observation, somehow
J. Edgar
comes off like the Max Fischer Players' production of
Big Miracle (2012)
Perhaps the title sets an expectation Ken Kwapis’ movie can’t quite deliver.
Get Out (2017)
What's most interesting about
Get Out
is how it taps into the same idea to fuel both its comedy and horror: the recognition of social truths.
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