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Sally Field
Sally Field & Michael Showalter—
Hello My Name Is Doris
[Field:] Trying on clothes...that was how I started to find who she was...It was when I started to play dress-up with these racks and racks and racks of old, revolting clothes.
Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde (2003)
A pointless, tired, sugary, pink and teal affront to Reese Witherspoon, Bob Newhart, any important political cause...
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
, and—oh, let's just say it—humanity.
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
One character innocently asks Peter, as he looks for an ID badge, 'Are you having trouble finding yourself?' Maybe just a little, but consider the franchise relaunched...
Steel Magnolias (1989)
Lincoln (2012)
Day-Lewis...wears well the weariness of the office and Lincoln's puckish yet subdued sense of humor, scaling the man closer to life-size than Mount Rushmore monumental.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
Succeeds in being a largely well-produced comic-book movie extravaganza, but its weighty baggage may leave audiences wishing it had traveled light.
Hello, My Name Is Doris (2015)
Unlikely as it may be, the relationship begins to seem as plausible to us as to the willfully optimistic Doris, which is a testament to the performers transcending the script’s default mode of condescension.
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