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James Brolin
Master of Disguise (2002)
A Guy Thing (2003)
Last Chance Harvey (2008)
Sometimes all we really want from a movie is to spend some time with beloved actors.
A Guy Thing (2003)
Cycles through the same old cliches, like squares accidentally being dosed with drugs, overzealous pharmacists blaring out sensitive medical information (nothing like a good ol' venereal disease joke), and climactically scotched weddings.
The 33 (2015)
There’s too much stilted acting here and too little psychological insight to render an interesting, or even credibly true, story of humanity in crisis.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
[Spoiler-free review:] Marvel’s superhero movies may not run the risk of being called 'elegant,' but they’re sure as hell sturdy, well-built popcorn flicks that send audiences out unequivocally satisfied.
Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018)
A straight procedural, consumed by its plot at the expense of thematic nuance. Nevertheless...a darkly compelling reminder of the multifaceted folly of our War on Drugs.
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