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Idris Elba
Idris Elba—
The Wire
The meetings that you have with the costume designer are just as important as the meetings you have with the director and the writer. Because you are putting this character's aesthetics together.
RocknRolla (2008)
Breaks no new ground for movies or for Ritchie, but it is an amusing diversion and therefore a return to form.
The Losers (2010)
This comic-book knockoff of
The A-Team...
is a lot easier to enjoy than Fox's sanctioned remake of
The A-Team
. Perhaps that's because Sylvain White's
The Losers
is self-aware of its schlock value...
Takers (2010)
Thor (2011)
Clobberin’ action, a touch of ’50s sci-fi, and a heaping portion of titan-clashing theatrics spell something a little different for the comic-book movie.
Prometheus (2012)
is deep, after all, with Weyland Corporation standing in for 20th Century Fox in an allegory for Scott's artistic aspirations: funding and undermining his ambitions at the same time.
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2011)
Zootopia (2016)
only reluctantly comes around to its crime-solving story, that’s understandable: the good stuff resides in the characterizations and the morality play around them, decrying fear of the other.
The Jungle Book (2016)
Favreau and Marks have obviously put some thought into the film’s visual approach and the messages...: the animal kingdom’s unexpected threats and opportunities...the work Mowgli puts in to come of age...his casual kindheartedness...
Star Trek Beyond (2016)
What works (marginally) in this instantly forgettable entry: a few diverting character fairy dust...action, action, action.
Molly's Game (2017)
Sorkin’s flair for whip-crack dialogue, structural shenanigans, and character chemistry remains a winningly shameless three-ring circus for the screen, and his thoroughly excellent ensemble help to distract from his infamous artifice.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022)
Cinematic dessert for kids.
Beast (2022)
The real draw here is actually the photography by Oscar-winning cinematographer Philippe Rousselot.
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