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Armie Hammer
The Social Network (2010)
J. Edgar (2012)
Despite the odd sharp observation, somehow
J. Edgar
comes off like the Max Fischer Players' production of
Mirror Mirror (2012)
By toning down his excesses for a mass audience of largely children, the self-billed Tarsem hits his sweet spot, serving up lavish sets and costumes to create a fantasy world that doesn't make us want to scratch our eyeballs out.
The Lone Ranger (2013)
Prompts 'The Cosplay Kid' of the Comic-Con era of cinema to swallow the sins of our forefathers and the ones we countenance today.
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015)
Honors the original characters just fine, but the leads are lukewarm...the [action] mostly unmemorable ...and the split-the-difference jokey-serious tone errs...on the side of fashion-conscious and smug.
The Birth of a Nation (2016)
Unsettlingly, Parker’s historical film depicts a tragic uncivil war that bears comparison to our modern racial struggles, and while it’s history not to be forgotten, it’s also not to be mischaracterized.
Nocturnal Animals (2016)
A moody and deeply unsettling look at a pair of failed relationships, regrets and recriminations, and measures of emotional violence—oh, shall we call it 'lashing out'?—symbolized in physical violence.
Cars 3 (2017)
Gets the franchise back on track with a story that U-turns to the heart of the 2006 original.
Call Me by Your Name (2017)
Guadagnino has coaxed from his cast a film unmatched this year for lifelike rhythms and attention to human behavior.
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