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Chris Hemsworth
Star Trek (2009)
It's this
Star Trek
's greatest stroke of genius to conceive of Kirk and Spock as two rebels looking for a cause...
Thor (2011)
Clobberin’ action, a touch of ’50s sci-fi, and a heaping portion of titan-clashing theatrics spell something a little different for the comic-book movie.
The Avengers (2012)
It's quite possible that
The Avengers
has more action than any movie ever made...[but] for all its thrill-ride clutter,
The Avengers
is just about as simplistic as them fightin'-robot pictures...
The Cabin in the Woods (2012)
A next-generation
, a self-referential horror film that tongue-in-cheekily deconstructs its own genre.
Red Dawn (2012)
John Milius' 1984 original may not have been a paragon of clear-headed foreign policy, but...Dan Bradley's remake predictably sidesteps—and, in one case, mocks—its source material's most interesting moments...
Rush (2013)
Typically slick, both overstated and undernourished when it comes to the drama. All the same,
makes for a pretty good fall night at the movies: fast and furious, but not too stupid.
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Pure, uncut comic-book fantasy...Whedon tames the beast into something spectacularly epic, if a bit exhausting: bursting with destructive mayhem but grounded by interesting character beats, rife with dark implications but seasoned with good humor.
In the Heart of the Sea (2015)
Depict[s] a writer’s process of scavenging and soul-stealing...[as well as] being “in the oil business” to the exclusion of morality and ethics, and with implications for the ecosystem.
Ghostbusters (2016)
Should you see Sony’s new
remake? Yes. Yes, you should. Will you be entertained? Yes. Yes, you will. Will you also be a little annoyed? Well, yeah,’s all a bit too self-consciously self-conscious...
Thor Ragnarok (2017)
A rollicking comedy...Waititi revs up this vehicle for a wild ride...
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
[Spoiler-free review:] Marvel’s superhero movies may not run the risk of being called 'elegant,' but they’re sure as hell sturdy, well-built popcorn flicks that send audiences out unequivocally satisfied.
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Marvel tourists may surprise themselves how much they care...while fanatics will have a geekgasm of heretofore undiscovered proportions at what amounts to the biggest series finale ever. To put it more politely, they’ll love it “times 3000.&rd
Men in Black: International (2019)
Outside of the win for representation represented by the likeable Tessa Thompson’s leading role, there’s no creatively compelling reason to tell this story, which...drags on seventeen minutes longer than the 1997 original.
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