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Bryan Cranston
Breaking Bad: The Complete Third Season (2011)
This most unusual dramedy of errors is one of the most riveting hours on television...
Breaking Bad
continues to shock and delight.
Larry Crowne (2011)
Has the consistency of an individually wrapped slice of Velveeta.
Drive (2011)
A stylish genre might just as well say the L.A. story unfolds at the corner of Michael Mann and David Lynch.
John Carter (2012)
An undeniable disaster...of marketing. Join me on a tour of media headaches, and why they don't necessarily reflect the quality of the movie itself.
Rock of Ages (2012)
Shankman's frappé of '80s rock is hideous, but weirdly fascinating...this is a movie you'll never be able to un-see, so think carefully...
Modern Family: The Complete Third Season (2009)
While fully embracing the single-camera and mockumentary trends that have all but taken over modern sitcoms, the show hearkens back to...snugly-fitted farcical plotting and traditional sitcom writing...
Breaking Bad: The Fifth Season (2012)
The show continues to grow in dimension and in scope, a reality that's also meaningful within its fictional universe.
Trumbo (2015)
Plays not as straight hagiography but rather as a portrait of a flawed hero...Cranston gives a floridly theatrical leading performance in keeping with Trumbo’s wit...
The Infiltrator (2016)
A sturdy but uninspired crime docudrama that’s neither convincingly colloquial nor thrillingly stylish.
Why Him? (2016)
Nothing if not formulaic, but it has its passing charms...Ultimately, the hacky plot (partly credited to Franco’s buddy Jonah Hill) is also too primal not to work...
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