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Felicity Jones
Doctor Who: The Complete Fourth Series (2005)
The Invisible Woman (2013)
Crucially, we stay at the side of the conflicted Nelly, and Jones proves as powerful in nuanced moments of quiet emotional availability as in Nelly's few, stirring allowances to speak truth to male privilege...
True Story (2015)
Does a lot of its work with its tongue-in-cheek title, a meta commentary on the not-so-broad spectrum of liar, actor, fiction writer, filmmaker and journalist.
The Theory of Everything (2014)
With its equation tantalizingly out of reach, winds up being by the numbers.
Rogue One (2016)
Will give die-hard
Star Wars
fans multiple orgasms...runneth over with
Star Wars
A Monster Calls (2016)
There’s a simple power to the clean lines of Ness’ story, and it’s greatly amplified by the work of the actors.
Inferno (2016)
You won't ever find me calling
a good movie, but I won't deny that, in dribs and drabs, it gets closer to the marks of fun and quality than I thought possible from this picturesque but dopey franchise.
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