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Daisy Ridley
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
[SPOILER-FREE] Can be dimwittedly obvious and self-plagiarizing, with little of real-world consequence and less that’s new to say [but it's still] a fun-filled adventure at the movies...
The Eagle Huntress (2016)
As a documentary, it’s only marginally more credible than
Nanook of the North
. So have we really come a long way, baby?
Peter Rabbit (2018)
This Peter is...the Ferris Bueller of rabbits. As such, many will love him, and many will find his zany wisecracks, blatant selfishness, and borderline amorality repulsive.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)
[SPOILER-FREE REVIEW:] Johnson sticks with the Star Wars house style and seems pleased to have the opportunity to inspire children with this story of overcoming inner conflict to become one’s best self, the key ingredient being hope.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
[SPOILER-FREE REVIEW:] If Abrams has topped himself, it's by making a Star Wars film that's even more of a multiplex-filling Hollywood widget than his first.
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