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This year's Wonder-Con—to be held at San Francisco's Moscone Convention Center Feb. 22-24, 2008—brings Hollywood back to SF once more. Among the many Special Guests are Steve Carell & Anne Hathaway (Get Smart); James McAvoy (Wanted); David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Chris Carter and Frank Spotnitz (The X-Files); Jon Favreau (Iron Man); Brendan Fraser (Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D); Steven Strait, Camilla Belle and Roland Emerich (10,000 B.C.); Joshua Jackson, Rachael Taylor, and James Kyson Lee (Shutter); John Cho (Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay, Star Trek); and representatives of TV fan favorite Jericho. Of course, there'll also be some folks talking about comics (!), including superstar talent like Darwyn Cooke, Tim Sale, and Jim Lee. Living WB Animation legend Bruce Timm will also join Cooke to host the world premiere screening of Justice League: The New Frontier.
The programming schedule includes Hollywood preview presentations and Spotlight panels with the aforementioned guests, as well as panels like "Inside Lucasfilm with Steve Sansweet" (Head of Fan Relations at Lucasfilm); unveilings from DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, and Bongo Comics; the WonderCon Masquerade, and all maner of fascinating panels, including a two-part lecture on the psychology of Bruce Wayne/Batman, Daredevil, and others. Don't forget to return here for coverage of the major panels and interviews with the stars...see you there!