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Jonathan Pryce
Evita (1996)
A pretty much ideal big-screen adaptation of the material, which becomes convincingly cinematic.
De-Lovely (2004)
Unfortunately, the film's postmodern staginess assists in keeping Porter endlessly at arm's length.
The Brothers Grimm (2005)
Easy to recommend but hard to love, distinguished by Gilliam's extravagant and funny style, but compromised by creative warfare and budgetary limitations.
Brothers (2005)
Leatherheads (2008)
Ronin (1998)
Hysteria (2012)
Opens with the legend 'This story is based on true events,' adding, 'Really.' Except that it isn’t. Not really.
Dough (2015)
Tastes awfully stale...those with a high tolerance for 'nice' movies will happily roll with this
. But know that it is proudly unsophisticated in its storytelling.
The Wife (2018)
The ultimate secret of the Castlemans’ marriage isn’t entirely convincing in Joan’s every rationale, but Close’s sheer force of acting makes it possible to believe in the character, at minimum in the emotional broad strokes.
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