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Vera Farmiga
Vera Farmiga—
Higher Ground
You know, 'I'm gonna direct this film about a woman and her struggle to conceptualize God'...It's like, 'Are you insane? Are you possessed?'
Running Scared (2006)
Kramer stokes kinetic energy and hard-R intensity...may amount to no more than a punch to the gut,'s all in bad fun.
The Departed (2006)
Kept in balance,
The Departed
's verbal and visual gifts, gun-toting menace, down-and-dirty existentialism, and bristling suspense should please both sides of the movie aisle.
Breaking and Entering (2006)
Joshua (2007)
As the film wears on, it becomes increasingly difficult to separate the dry humor from the supposed chills. Consequently,
drifts into camp.
Never Forever (2008)
Orphan (2009)
Comes close to the pantheon of so-bad-they're-good horror movies, but as they say, no cigar.
Source Code (2011)
Source Code
is philosophical science fiction and not just 'sci fi,' there's something to chew on here about consciousness: when it begins and ends, and that old chestnut of what constitutes reality.
Higher Ground (2011)
The Judge (2014)
Runs on clichés and ultimately earns more credit for what it doesn’t do...than for what it does.
The Conjuring 2 (2016)
When there’s somefin your neighbor’ood...’oo you gonna call?
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)
The CGI creatures impress—a star is reborn in Mothra...It’s just unfortunate that the picture as a whole lumbers a lot like its forty-story star.
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