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Matthew McConaughey
Thirteen Conversations About One Thing (2002)
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003)
A modest but bubbly comedy of manners.
Reign of Fire (2002)
Sahara (2005)
As Hollywood actioners go these days, this one's quite tolerable in its guilty-pleasure way. Feel free to saddle up.
Two for the Money (2005)
Failure to Launch (2006)
Paula's practiced fraud sounds criminal at worst and grounds for civil suits at best, but to Hollywood, it's a romantic comedy....downright repellent.
We Are Marshall (2006)
I suppose there's a place for this studio picture's brand of popcorn catharsis. One just wishes the powerful story at its heart felt more genuine and less manipulative.
Fool's Gold (2008)
Harmless but seriously wit-deficient.
U-571 (2000)
[Both] a rousing action thriller...[and] near-parody of the rah-rah American military adventures that filled screens in the '40s and '50s.
Surfer, Dude (2008)
A celebration of unrealistic lifestyles, which makes it exactly the wrong film for our times.
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009)
The movie equivalent of a fling that you won't entirely regret but won't ever want to see again.
Killer Joe (2011)
Friedkin’s pretty shrewd himself, in how he teases out the humor without indulging Letts’ immature glibness, and how he sidesteps Bible Belt baptism to waterboard us in the sewer of selfish human nature.
The Paperboy (2012)
Anatomy of a Murder
The Graduate
, and Daniels' own
rolled into one wacked-out bloody Southern Gothic that's considerably less than the sum of those parts...
The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
Rests comfortably alongside Scorsese's masterpieces
, but carries a sting that even they don't by examining the most acceptable, yet most rapacious, of criminal swindles.
Mud (2013)
A highly personal tale of undergrown men and overgrown boys experiencing the growing pains of love turned unrequited, and the realization that nothing—not freedom, not security, not innocence, not love—lasts forever.
Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
Classic 'Oscar bait,' and falls into some of the common traps of exploiting a true story. But it's also lively, funny, and scary...
Interstellar (2014)
Love is what's really between the stars, y'all.
Gold (2016)
In its broader themes of 'selling a story' to investors and the blinding power of money,
has little new to offer, but in its particulars...finds deposits rich enough to make the trip worthwhile.
Sing (2016)
is pleasant enough...but scrutinize it, and you'll find that it's neither very musically accomplished nor very funny. The tone is bright and colorful but still evinces a kind of joyless duty...
Sing (2016)
May not amount to much—a salute to theater and showmanship, a simple tale of self-empowerment and group spirit—but it is up with people, or, rather, animals in ways that will delight kids and adults alike.
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