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Anthony Anderson
Kangaroo Jack (2003)
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London (2004)
King's Ransom (2005)
Populated solely with hateful characters...strictly for connoisseurs of crass.
Hustle & Flow (2005)
Howard's work as Djay is sort of dazzling, but his character's unrelentingly selfish behavior makes audience identification an uphill battle.
Scary Movie 4 (2006)
I just don't see much entertainment value--or, certainly, a shelf life--in a contrived string of mildly amusing parodies of bad movies. Here today, yawn tomorrow.
Hoodwinked (2005)
Too seldom clever, too often tiresomely busy, and wasteful of its voice cast, it's
that is the crime.
Transformers (2007)
A sort of Ambien/No-Doz cocktail likely to send all but fanboy brains into self-protective shutoff mode.
The Big Year (2011)
If the mere mention of the blue-footed booby sends you into paroxysms,
The Big Year
is the film for you.
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