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Bryce Dallas Howard
Anton Yelchin & Bryce Dallas Howard—
Star Trek
Terminator Salvation
Yelchin: 'I just kind of fully embraced Chekov...there’s no point to losing the potential within Chekov just by making him a Russian’s a Cold War stereotype meets Davy Jones, you know?'
The Village (2004)
A well-meaning, half-hour
Twilight Zone
episode stretched to the outer limits of a two-hour feature.
Lady in the Water (2006)
I hated
Lady in the Water
, but not because Shyamalan took a sophomoric potshot at critics. I hated
Lady in the Water
because it's...stupid.
Terminator Salvation (2009)
The action sometimes conjures a thrill-ride's breathtaking quality or, in other words,
Terminator Salvation
's only hope of redemption with audiences.
Tennessee Williams' The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond (2010)
Hereafter (2010)
The Help (2011)
If only
The Help
accepted more of Davis’ help, we might have a work of art on our hands instead of another condescending, half-baked history lesson.
50/50 (2011)
isn’t interested in defeatism, except as one inevitable way station of the film’s appealing emotional ramble.
Jurassic World (2015)
The culture has had just enough time to miss this franchise, and director and co-screenwriter Colin Trevorrow...has met the challenges with an appealing self-awareness.
Gold (2016)
In its broader themes of 'selling a story' to investors and the blinding power of money,
has little new to offer, but in its particulars...finds deposits rich enough to make the trip worthwhile.
Pete's Dragon (2016)
There's room enough for both
Pete's Dragon
s in this big old world.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)
In what starts to feel like a 'meta' running joke (or admission of creative exhaustion), the characters keep stumbling upon the leftovers of the earlier films...
Jurassic World: Dominion (2022)
Despite its extremely messy story, if looked at as a '50s B-movie matinee, it's not too bad.
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