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John Lithgow
Orange County (2002)
Kinsey (2004)
Kinsey's many contradictions and awkward personality get full attention from Condon's clever treatment and Liam Neeson's best screen performance in years.
Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009)
Hollywood likes nothing more than having its cake and eating it too, which explains the confusions of P.J. Hogan’s
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Cliffhanger (1993)
As preposterous as this "
Die Hard
on a mountain" flick is,
remains one of the zestier big-budget action pictures of the nineties.
Love Is Strange (2014)
The film may seem to be doing very little, but it evinces great it explores a universal theme of dealing with life's unexpected derailments and trying to get back on track.
Best of Enemies (2015)
Like the debates it concerns,
Best of Enemies
entertains to a degree, enlightens to another, and asks us to ponder the relative merits of polar political ideologies and two complicated men who very publicly represented them.
The Accountant (2016)
The running-gag emotional expression of another of the film’s autistic characters pretty much sums it up: 'Heavy sigh.'
Miss Sloane (2016)
[Not] a truly thoughtful and credible treatment of the unpleasant realities of Washington lobbying...[but] a hothouse melodrama that teases an ice queen’s meltdown while actually doing the hustle.
Beatriz at Dinner (2017)
It’s no great leap to see Strutt as Trumpian, but Beatriz at Dinner has bigger fish to fry than any one figure...make[s] our nation's political intractability the stuff of comedy and...dramatizes the spiritual exhaustion of our time.
Daddy's Home Two (2017)
Only insurance premiums can say whether we’re in for a
Daddy’s Home 3
that adds Dick Van Dyke as Lithgow’s dad and Clint Eastwood as Gibson’s dad.
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